Say No to Waste: Embrace Sustainable Periods with the Best Menstrual Cup

According to Economic Times, a recent study revealed that even though approximately 121 million Indian women, or 36% of menstruating women, use sanitary napkins, it generates a staggering 12.3 billion napkins, equivalent to 1,13,000 tons of waste annually.

These facts are truly appalling, creating a real bloody mess in India. Every month, millions of menstruation waste products end up in landfills, polluting our environment to the hilt. 

The problem is real, but what’s the solution?

Being an eco-conscious personal hygiene brand in India, Smart Hygeia is strongly committed to making high-quality, sustainable menstrual cups that not only provide long-lasting period protection but also save the environment from kilos of sanitary waste.

If you too wish to contribute towards safeguarding our planet from this hazardous waste, then use a reusable menstrual cup, which is indeed a safe, comfortable, and eco-friendly alternative to pads and tampons, which take hundreds of years to decompose naturally.  

Read this blog and make yourself aware of the benefits of using a menstrual cup, and learn how Smart Hygeia can support you in this journey of switching to sustainable periods. 

Let’s get started!

What Are the Reasons to Choose a Reusable Menstrual Cup?

Hey ladies! 

We cannot appreciate you enough for still reading this blog, as it shows your genuine interest in sustainability. We value your contribution towards a better and greener planet. Ditching the disposable, regular pads and switching to a reusable menstrual cup is truly a smart move. 

But why?

It is a Sustainability Champ

With proper maintenance and care, a menstrual cup can last for several years, which brings us to this point, that unlike other disposable products, it can prevent a great deal of landfill waste. 

It Saves You Money

How wondrous it is to save a considerable amount of money that often goes into buying a box of tampons and sanitary pads every month. Buy a menstrual cup once, and you need not spend on another for at least 6 years, is there anything more economical than this? Think about it!

Freedom from Annoying Leaks

You can finally wake up feeling fresh and sleep without fear of leaks and stains, as the menstrual cup creates a comfortable and secure seal, collecting your menstruation flow instead of absorbing it. Just insert it correctly and move freely throughout the day and night without worrying about leaks. 

It Comes with Health Benefits 

Eliminating the risk of allergic reactions, rashes, and irritation, the menstrual cups are made from medical-grade silicone, which doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals or dyes that can be found in other disposable period products. In addition, these cups prevent menstrual fluid from being exposed to air, which reduces the likelihood of unpleasant odours that are commonly experienced while using sanitary pads.

It Makes Your Periods Comfortable 

Menstrual cups are meticulously designed to empower women and make them feel the power of freedom and comfort. Once inserted, you can forget about it for 6 to 8 hours, allowing you to engage in day-to-day activities without any worry. It’s time for women to walk confidently and perform all physical activities, even any form of workout or exercise, with aplomb. 

Let Smart Hygeia Help You Find the Best Menstrual Cup for You

With different sizes available out there, choosing the best menstrual cup that meets your requirements can be baffling. 

Let us help you with this dilemma!

These are the key points that you must consider:

Size and Flow Collecting Capacity: As menstrual cups are available in different sizes, such as small, medium, and large, you must choose the right size depending on your menstrual flow and cervical height. Additionally, if you've given birth, the type of delivery can influence the size you might need, as childbirth can sometimes affect vaginal anatomy.

Check for Hypoallergenic Material: Trust only menstrual cups made from medical-grade silicone, as it is safe, flexible for providing you maximum comfort, and is hypoallergenic. Firmness can influence comfort, thus make sure you choose a menstrual cup that is firm and can make you feel comfortable. 

Choose Smart Hygeia: Leading You Towards Sustainable & Leakproof Periods 

We prioritise women's health and feminine hygiene, and thus we take immense pride in offering reusable menstrual cups that meet your individual needs, ensuring comfort and confidence. 

As we hold ourselves responsible for preventing disposable waste from entering our environment, we offer reusable menstrual cups that allow every woman to embrace a sustainable approach to her period days.

Switching to a menstrual cup can be a new experience for you. Therefore, do not hesitate to get in touch with our team in case you have any queries or doubts regarding our product. 

Browse through our collection, find what suits you the best, and let’s together make this world a better place to live in by practising actionable sustainability every bloody month.