Savvy Tips on How to Choose the Right Size of Menstrual Cup: Smart Hygeia

Choosing the right size of menstrual cup can feel a bit overwhelming, especially with so many options out there. But don’t worry; we’re here to help you navigate this journey with some Savvy tips! First off, remember that the best menstrual cup for heavy flow might not be the same as what a beginner should start with. If you're just stepping into the world of menstrual cups, it’s essential to find a size that feels comfortable and secure, so you can go about your day without any worries.

Savvy Tips for Choosing the Right Size

  1. Know Your Flow: Understanding your menstrual flow is crucial when selecting the appropriate size. If you tend to have a lighter flow, a smaller cup may suffice. However, if your flow is heavier, consider opting for a Medium or Large cup to ensure you won't need to empty it as frequently.

  2. Consider Your Age: Your age can play an important role in the right size choice. Teenagers and first-time users might prefer a smaller size. Females under the age of 30 but have had children via C section can go for Medium size, while those above 30 might a Large size more comfortable. 

  1. Childbirth: The type of delivery can also influence the decision of selecting the size. If you’ve had a C-section, a Medium size is usually ideal. But, if you’ve had a normal delivery, then Large size is recommended for better fit and comfort. 

  1. Assess Your Anatomy: Everyone's body is unique. The height of your cervix, vaginal canal length, and overall anatomy can affect the fit of the menstrual cup. You can measure your cervix by inserting a finger during your period to determine its position. If your cervix is low, a shorter cup might be necessary, whereas a higher cervix may allow for a longer cup.

  2. Trial and Error: Don’t be afraid to experiment. Many brands often allow users to try different sizes or styles. Your first choice may not be your best fit, and it’s perfectly normal to adjust based on comfort and functionality.

  3. Check for Comfort: The right fit should feel comfortable. Once inserted, you shouldn’t feel the cup at all. If you experience discomfort, it may indicate that the cup size is incorrect or you have not inserted it correctly. Pay attention to how your body reacts throughout the day and adjust accordingly.

Let Smart Hygeia introduce you to something life-changing: a menstrual cup.

Menstrual cycles have always been a part of a woman’s life; however, with menstrual cups, women are revolutionizing the way they manage their periods.

  1. No Frequent Changes: Countless women in India feel the urge to change the pads or tampons, as these traditional period products do not have a high absorbency level as compared to a period cup which has a higher fluid collecting capacity. 

  1. Fulfills the Promise of Sustainability: Future menstrual care is all about sustainability. We have already wreaked havoc on the planet with the disposal waste of sanitary pads and tampons every year. 

  1. Economical Choice in the Long Run: No doubt, menstrual cups have a higher initial cost, but for at least 8 years, you won’t have to spend a dime. Since this revolutionary product is reusable, it saves you a lot of money in the long run. 

  1. No Health Risks: Crafted from medical-grade silicone and FDA approved, these menstrual cups are safe to use as compared to some disposable products, which can contain harmful chemicals or synthetic fibers. 

  2. Comfortable & Leak-Free Protection: The discomfort of wearing a pad or a tampon is not an unknown experience to women. They go through it every month. But the sad part is that they are accustomed to this discomfort, accepting it as a part of their life.

Smart Hygeia wants to change a woman’s period experience. It doesn’t have to be a stressful process wherein a menstruating woman goes to work, plays a sport, or does an exercise with a constant thought in mind: what if my pad leaks?

We are happy to be bringing that significant shift slowly but steadily. Now many women in India use menstrual cups and find them more comfortable than pads or tampons once they get used to them. 

Join Hands with Smart Hygeia: Make the Switch Towards a Sustainable Future!

Menstrual cups are not a fad, the popularity of which is going to change like capricious weather. They are revolutionizing period care products that are environmentally friendly, cost-effective, safe, and empowering for every woman out there. 

It is time to take control of your period days instead of letting them control you. Along with being kinder to your body, be kind to this beautiful planet and try our menstrual cup today. 

Visit Smart Hygeia to explore menstrual cups in different sizes and join the revolution in period care!